

November 1, 2017

Sustainable Design in Kuwait

Sustainable design is the balance between reducing the energy needs of a building while maximizing living quality. When people think of sustainability they usually think of solar panels. You put them on your roof and they start converting sunlight to electricity. That's great! However in…
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February 20, 2017

Before the Music Stops

I realized that I didn't propose a solution to the previous post. I make a point of not simply complaining and pointing out what's wrong without proposing what I feel needs to be done. So here's what I think we could do the help soften…
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February 20, 2017

When the Music Stops

We are approaching a convergence in technologies that will reshape transportation and the way cities are designed. In about 10 years everything will change and it will be a disaster for the GCC. Technological change happens very fast. It took only a few years for smartphone…
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November 24, 2012

Jaber Bridge

Without traffic the bridge will save about 25 minutes from the journey. Let's say someone lives in Mishref and wants to work in Silk City. In order for that person to drive to the entrance of the bridge they have to go through the traffic…
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July 9, 2012


1- Building Codes Jassem: Building codes needs revisiting by the authorities. We are building way too much on a small piece of land. I can't think of any reason why someone is capable of building a 40 floors of apartments on 3000 sqm. Where are…
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July 1, 2012

A Gaze onto the City

I am sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Kuwait City. I am enjoying my cup of coffee while browsing the net, checking my timeline on twitter, and gazing out to the street. The sight from where I'm sitting shows how far the city went…
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July 1, 2012


أنا بدأت أشعر بالقلق إزاء وجود اتجاه سيء للغاية في تصميم المنازل الكويتية . عملاء يطلبون نظرة و أسلوب "عصري" دون فهم حقيقي لما هم يطلبون. لمعظم الناس الطراز العصري يعني الصندوق البارد، ذو زوايا حادة مع الكثير من النوافذ المستطيلة والأثاث باهظة الثمن. الحداثة…
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June 23, 2012

المنزل الكويتي

ما هو البيت الكويتي؟ كيف نعرفه؟ للبدء في الإجابة عن هذا السؤال، علينا أولا أن نعرف من هو الكويتي و ما هو نمط الحياة الكويتية ومن ثم محاولة إظهار هذا في بيئة مبنية. على المنزل إيجاد توازن بين العوامل البيئية للموقع وخيارات نمط الحياة لسكانه…
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February 9, 2011

Bike Lanes

I was surprised to learn that Kuwait doesn't have a single bike lane. It's not really that hard to implement if there's enough density to justify it. The idea is that it be used both for recreation and potentially for commuting. There are a few…
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February 6, 2011

Starchitects and Kuwait

Barrak's comment on my last post got me thinking of how to prove my point of the importance of world famous architects building in Kuwait. Barrak argues that Kuwait does not need a new iconic building, since we have Kuwait Towers, which is true. He also…
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